(Yes, that is my leg- whoo bright blue voodoo tights!)
So, the colours that are included in this quad are a light whitish silver colour, a teal blue, a deep sea blue, and a glittery black. All colours are very nicely pigmented, the teal and sea blue being the most pigmented; as in, crazy pigmentation. More than MAC.

(Sorry about the blurriness! This is the best photo I could muster). All I did was rub my finger in each colour up and down once. They're not chalky. The black colour could be a little softer, but it is still not chalky. It's quite nice.
Overall, I'm very happy with this eyeshadow quad. I'm going to pick up another one if I can, preferably a nice gold and brown quad or something- not sure :)
Anywho, I highly reccommend these shadows. I've done a look, so I'll do a quick tute in my next post :)
J xx
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